Alternative facts conceived, great unwashed to be deceived, injected thoughts and moments, new malignancy’s retrieved.
The invention of contention, the selection of rejection, is injected by exception; these deceptive odd reflections should diffuse without our mention.
When lying on the stand, contend, they don’t remember how or when, these ill-begotten truths began, and plead the fifth, as to defend, their bias in the end.
This rejection of convention, paradoxical contention, pathological invention that dissuades the introspection. This injection of contention, parabolical convention, philosophical inception shall reveal their true religion.
Hotly frozen, ill-conceived, these thoughts and moments ill-bequeathed, to mindless drones, who then believe, the dinner bell’s been rung, indeed!
Clocks strike five, its feeding time, and thoughtless drones can then combine,in hoardes and packs they meet and eat, as nothing beats this chilling heat!
Alternative facts unsheathed, great unwashed to be bequeathed, delivering daily news and notions, ever ill-conceived.
This perception-based invention, the selection of rejection, circumvents the introspection; these injected odd reflections should dissolve without our mention.
When standing on the lie, defend, they can’t remember why or when, these ill-begotten truths began, and plead the fifth, as to contend, their bias without end.
This rejection of convention, paradoxical contention, pathological invention that dissuades the introspection. This injection of contention, parabolical convention, philosophical inception shall reveal the true religion.
Hotly frozen, ill-conceived, the news and notions ill-perceived, by thoughtless drones, who then believe, their dinner bell’s been rung, indeed!
Clocks strike nine, its feeding time, and mindless drones do then combine, in hoardes and packs they gorge the meat, ‘cause nothing beats this chilling heat!
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